The Online Library!
We are figure out how to put together a unique library that takes Little Word Mappers from 'Red' (Pre-Reader 1) through to the end of the Main Readers, at which time children become independent, confident, skilled readers.
They will enjoy the mapped version, along with the book in regular text.
Children love to flip the pages and hear the satisfying 'whoosh' as they turn!
​You can also order the hard copy version in regular text.
Ask your local library to stock them!
Children can watch the video lessons for the books on the Little Mappers site.

Speech Sound Mapping: Discovery Learning in Mind
When you show the code, you don't need to 'explicitly teach' the concepts—the 'Code Mapping®' (black/grey to indicate the Sound Pics®/graphemes) plus the Phonemies to show the sound value just make sense to children's brains.
Word Mapping Mastery!

In the library, choose to display the graphemes, the graphemes with 'Phonemies,' or the book as regular text.
When the book has been Code Mapped, as below, the graphemes are shown using our unique black/grey coding. Words in red are generally abbreviations (and not full words), with the exception of 'one'—see the Word Mapping Mastery book for more information.
Do you have a subscription to the ICRWY Lessons app?
The 1,2,3 and Away! pre-reader books are there, with Mapped Words®

The Village with Three Corners Titles
New publication, from The Reading Hut, updated ISBNs
978-1-916941-00-7 Pre-Reader 1 Red
978-1-916941-01-4 Pre-Reader 2 Blue
978-1-916941-02-1 Pre-Reader 3 Yellow
978-1-916941-03-8 Pre-Reader 4 Brown
978-1-916941-04-5 Pre-Reader 5 One, Two, Three
978-1-916941-05-2 Pre-Reader 6 Roger, Billy, Jennifer and Johnny
978-1-916941-06-9 Pre-Reader 7 Big and Little
978-1-916941-07-6 Pre-Reader 8 Houses
978-1-916941-08-3 Pre-Reader 9 The Little Yellow Cat and the Little Brown Mouse
978-1-916941-09-0 Pre-Reader 10 The Cat and the Mouse, the Dog and the Frog
978-1-916941-10-6 Pre-Reader 11 Billy went to school
978-1-916941-11-3 Pre-Reader 12 Jennifer went to school
978-1-916941-12-0 Pre-Reader 1A Green
978-1-916941-13-7 Pre-Reader 2A Red, Green, Blue, Yellow and Brown
978-1-916941-14-4 Pre-Reader 3A Roger and the Ball
978-1-916941-15-1 Pre-Reader 4A Roger and the Bus
978-1-916941-16-8 Pre-Reader 5A I see green!
978-1-916941-17-5 Pre-Reader 6A “No, Percy Green!”
978-1-916941-18-2 Pre-Reader 7A The yellow cat and the brown dog
978-1-916941-19-9 Pre-Reader 8A Jennifer and the yellow cat
978-1-916941-20-5 Pre-Reader 9A “Stop it, Percy Green!”
978-1-916941-21-2 Pre-Reader 10A Alex at the fair
978-1-916941-22-9 Pre-Reader 11A Billy’s Picture
978-1-916941-23-6 Pre-Reader 12A The donkey went to school
978-1-916941-24-3 Pre-Reader 1B Roger Red-hat and Mrs. Green’s hat
978-1-916941-25-0 Pre-Reader 2B Billy Blue-hat and the Snowman
978-1-916941-26-7 Pre-Reader 3B Jennifer Yellow-hat and the white cat
978-1-916941-27-4 Pre-Reader 4B Jennifer Yellow-hat and Mr. Brown’s goat
978-1-916941-28-1 Pre-Reader 5B Four, Five, Six
978-1-916941-29-8 Pre-Reader 6B Seven Geese
978-1-916941-30-4 Pre-Reader 7B The big man and the little mouse
978-1-916941-31-1 Pre-Reader 8B Eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve
978-1-916941-32-8 Pre-Reader 9B “Stop!” cried Alex
978-1-916941-33-5 Pre-Reader 10B Roger at the fair
978-1-916941-34-2 Pre-Reader 11B Billy Blue-hat and the red mask
978-1-916941-35-9 Pre-Reader 12B Roger and the frog
New publication from The Reading Hut, updated ISBNs
Introductory Readers
978-1-8381211-3-6 A – Roger Red-hat
978-1-8381211-4-3 B – Billy Blue-hat
978-1-8381211-5-0 C – Johnny and Jennifer Yellow-hat
978-1-8381211-6-7 D – The Old Man
978-1-7398898-0-7 E – Jennifer Yellow-hat went out in the sunshine
978-1-7398898-1-4 F – Jennifer Yellow-hat went out in the dark
978-1-7398898-2-1 G – Roger and Rip
978-1-7398898-3-8 H – Roger and the Pond
978-1-7398898-4-5 I - Roger and Mrs. Blue-hat
978-1-7398898-5-2 J – Roger and the Little Mouse
978-1-7398898-6-9 K – Sita and Ramu
978-1-7398898-7-6 L – Jennifer Yellow-hat went to the Town
978-1-7398898-8-3 M – The Donkey Went to Town
978-1-7398898-9-0 N – Percy Green
978-1-7398898-7-4 O - The Little Brown Mouse went out in the Dark
978-1-7398898-8-1 P - Mrs. Blue-hat and the Little Brown Mouse
Main readers - new ISBNs are being allocated
(1) The Village with three corners
(1a) The Old Man and the Wind
(1b) Gopal and the little white cat
(2) Billy Blue-Hat and the Duck Pond
(2a) The cat and the feather
(2b) Roger and the Ghost
(3) The Haystack
(3a) The Donkey
(3b) The Empty House
(4) The Island in Deep River
(4a) The Two Giants
(4b) The House in the Corner of the Wood
(5) The Cat's Dance
(6) The Stepping Stones
(7) Billy Blue-Hat's Day
(8) The White Owls
(9) The Lost Dog
(10) The Three Robbers
(11) A Boat on Deep River
(12) The House in Dark Woods
Blue Platform Readers- new ISBNs are being allocated
(1) The Dog and the Ball
(2) The Little Old Woman
(3) The Big Dog and the Little White Cat
(4) The Little Old Man and the Donkey
(5) Rip's Bath
(6) The Old Blue Bus
(7) Sita and the Little Old Woman
(8) Billy Blue Hat and the Frog
(9) The Magic Wood (10) The Witch and the Donkey
(11) The Little Brown Mouse and the Apples
(12) Jennifer in Dark Woods
(13) Percy Green and Mrs. Blue-hat
(14) Benjamin, the Witch, and the Donkey
(15) The Little Old Man and the Little Brown Mouse
(16) Jennifer and the Little Dog
(17) The old man and the seven mice
(18) Roger has a ride
(19) Miranda and the magic stones
(20) Miranda and the flying broomstick
Green Platform Readers- new ISBNs are being allocated
(1) Roger and the School Bus
(2) The Little Old Man and the Little Black Cat
(3) The Little Old Woman and the Grandfather Clock
(4) Sita Climbs the Wall
(5) When the School Door Was Shut
(6) The Big Man, the Witch and the Donkey
(7) Caterpillars and Butterflies
(8) The Little Old Man and the Magic Stick
(9) Benjamin and the Little Fox
(10) The Cat and the Witch's Supper
Red Platform Readers- new ISBNs are being allocated
(1) Jennifer and the Little Black Horse
(2) The Old Red Bus
(3) Billy and Percy Green
(4) Roger Rings the Bell
(5) Mr. Brown's Goat
(6) Tom and the Monster
(7) The Ghost Train
(8) Sita and the Robin
(9) The Hole in the Wall
(10) The Little Fox
Yellow Platform Readers - new ISBNs are being allocated
(1) Fire
(2) The House Across the Street
(3) Roger and the Cats
(4) Christmas in the Village with 3 Corners
(5) The Sleeping Giant
(6) Dancing Ann and the Green-Gruff-Grackle
(7) The Fire in the Magic Wood
(8) The King of the Magic Mountains
(9) The Witch Who Lived Next Door
(10) The Horse that Flew in the Moonlight​

ICRWY was the original pilot for 2- to 4-year-olds!
The children loved discovering froggy errors. Learn more about the Naughty Speech Sound Frog in the Word Mapping Mastery book.